2007 Wish Story: Jaycie, South Dakota

At six years old, South Dakotan, Jaycie, who comes from a strong rodeo heritage, had her Western Wish at the 2007 Cheyenne Frontier Days. Not only did Jaycie attend the rodeo and hang out with the cowboys, she also was interviewed by rodeo announce Justin McKee and when the crowd saw that adorable face on the jumbo screen, the crowd of 10,000 sighed a collective, “awe”…she was that adorable!

In a freak accident while riding with her barrel racer mom, Amber, Jaycie fell off and was kicked in the head by her horse.

Jaycie, a miracle child, survived a five-hour brain surgery to remove large bone fragments from her brain and was temporarily paralyzed on one side. Doctors said that she would have to endure at least six months of rehab and could not ride her horse or bike for that long. But he underestimated the fighting spirit of Western Wishes kids…in less than three months, Jaycie stunned them all and was back in the saddle again!

Jaycie with Joe Jonas

Jaycie with Joe Jonas

So Western Wishes rewarded this amazing little cowgirl, not only to a trip to Cheyenne Frontier Days, who by the way is the most hospitable rodeo in the nation, but she was surprised with a Taylor Swift concert with a special meeting with her. Little did she know that Taylor and her mom, Terry, would wisk her away to show Jaycie her tour bus!…and then meet Joe Jonas to boot!

At Taylor’s concert, Jaycie was rocking out on her mom and dads shoulders, mouthing every word to every song Taylor sung. Jaycie would go home with many memories of being the darling of Cheyenne Frontier Days.

In late 2008, Jaycie became quite the media star when Western Wishes sent her and her mom to the Chris Cox Ranch to be interviewed and highlighted on the Chris Cox Show. Supporters of the program, Clyde and Elsie Frost, Tuff Hedeman, and Ross Coleman were proud to be a part of the program and celebrate Jaycie’s amazing recovery. Jaycie is truly the quintessential Western Wishes kid, and we are blessed to have communicated her fighting spirit to give hope and inspiration to others.

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